Orflo Technologies是一家生命科學公司,致力於細胞與蛋白質分析行業開發和銷售功能強大但簡單的儀器。 Orflo儀器的核心是受專利保護的µFlow試劑盒。通過阻抗(Coulter原理)和基於螢光的流式細胞技術的獨特結合,Orflo的儀器可以直接同時測量螢光和細胞體積。
ORFLO開發的第一款產品已授權給第三方,並於2010年推出,是同類產品中的首款手持式細胞計數器。該產品在創新方面獲得了許多工業獎項並被用戶高度讚譽,ORFLO希望將一次性細胞計數擴展到以流式細胞技術和多重磁珠分析為主的細胞與蛋白質研究。隨著Moxi Flow和zEPI Flow平台的推出,ORFLO的產品使研究人員能夠進行功能強大的細胞與蛋白質分析,包括細胞凋亡、多重流式細胞技術、存活分析、RFP轉染效率檢測、細胞週期、吞噬作用、多重細胞激素分析。


Orflo Technologies is a life sciences company developing and marketing powerful yet simple instrumentation to the cell and protein analysis industries. At the core of Orflo’s instrumentation is a patent protected µFlow Cell Cassette. Through the unique combination of impedance (Coulter Principle) and fluorescence based flow Cytometry Orflo’s instruments by directly measuring fluorescence and cell volume simultaneously.

The first product developed by ORFLO was licensed to a third-party and launched in 2010 as the first of its kind hand-held cell counter. After this product received many industry awards for innovation, and high accolades from the user community, ORFLO looked to extend, single use cell counting to flow cytometry and multiplex bead based assays for cell and protein research. With the launch of the Moxi Flow and zEPI Flow platforms ORFLO's offering enables researchers to run powerful cell and protein analysis; apoptosis, multiplexed flow cytometry, viability, RFP transfection efficiency checks, Cell Cycle, phagocytosis, multiplexed cytokine analysis.